Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2 -- The Joy on His Face

Today, one of our 14 year old customers came to pick up the heifer he purchased.  It could not have been more satisfying to watch him go into the barn, halter his heifer, and lead her on to his trailer.  Then he wrote a check HIMSELF for her.

The business that we have allows us to be around what I consider to be some of the best youth in the country -- these kids have earned money to buy a project to start their own livestock herd.  They are making their own investments in our cattle, and making decisions to care and prepare their projects for show themselves.  I am in awe of how mature they are.

There are many more animals that will be picked up in a similar fashion over the next couple of months -- I hope I get to witness again the pride and joy on the face of all of them when they choose, and take home their heifer.  This is what makes livestock projects great.

(to see others on a November blog see Holly's 30 days blogs)

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